Belly Fat and the Gut Microbiome 

You might not know this, but your gut bacteria could be to blame for that stubborn belly fat. Sounds pretty crazy, right? But it’s true—the gut microbiome (that’s the name for all the tiny organisms that live in your intestines) has a pretty big impact on weight loss. In fact, certain bacteria are even capable of extracting MORE calories (fats in particular) from food than others.

That is a pretty big deal. 

Belly fat and gut microbiome, gut health

Here’s what you need to know about how gut bacteria affect belly fat.


How Gut Bacteria Impacts Weight Loss 

We all have different types of bacteria living in our guts, and those bacteria can affect our weight in different ways.  Some types of bacteria make it harder to lose weight, while other types help with weight loss. 

That’s why it’s important to have a good mix of different types of gut bacteria—it gives your body the best chance to lose weight effectively. gut bacteria, gut microbiome

There are a few different ways that gut bacteria can impact weight loss: 

  1. By affecting how many calories we absorb from food 
  2. By impacting our hormones 
  3. By affecting how much inflammation we have in our bodies. 

All of these things can make it harder or easier to lose weight, depending on the type of gut bacteria we have. 


Making Changes to Improve Your Gut Health 

If you’re trying to lose weight and not seeing results, improving your gut health is a good place to start. 

improve gut health

There are a few different things you can do to improve your gut microbiome: 

  1. Eat more fiber-rich foods like vegetables, fruits, and whole grains. This will help feed the good bacteria in your gut and help them thrive. 
  2. Eat fermented foods like yogurt, sauerkraut, kimchi, and kombucha. These foods contain Probiotics—live microorganisms that can help improve your gut health. 
  3. Avoid processed foods, artificial sweeteners, and refined carbohydrates as much as possible. These types of foods can damage gut health and make it harder to lose weight. 
  4. Take a Probiotic supplement daily. This will help make sure you’re getting enough beneficial live microorganisms into your system to support good gut health. I recommend Vivre Sano Boosted Probiotic as it contains beneficial strains of bacteria, plus additional herbs that gently eradicate pathogenic bacteria that can cause sugar cravings, and weight loss resistance. 
  5. Get regular exercise and sleep enough every night. Both exercise and sleep are important for overall health—including gut health! —so make sure you’re getting enough of both every day. In fact, just one night of poor sleep can cause insulin resistance and carb cravings that are hard to manage. [1]

In conclusion, if you’re struggling to lose weight, improving your gut health is a great place to start—and there are plenty of things you can do to improve your microbiome! Eat more fiber-rich and fermented foods, take a Probiotic supplement daily, avoid processed foods as much as possible, and make sure you’re getting enough exercise and sleep every day.

 With a little work on improving your gut health, you’ll be losing belly fat in no time! Expect to see some positive changes within a week, and give it 3 to 6 months to see significant change, especially if you’re using the right supplementation. 

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