Trauma Release

If you’ve ever struggled on your journey to wellness with unexplained medical issues, unexplained weight loss/weight gain, or unexplained feelings of panic/anxiety/depression then you’ve come to the right place.

Maybe you've tried other trauma release modalities, bioresonance, or even talk therapy, and it just didn't work.

Most modalities work with the conscious mind to release trauma. But, the reality is that the majority of trapped emotions and trauma reside in the subconscious mind, out of our conscious reach. We have no idea they’re there, and no idea how to resolve or access them to bring healing. All while they are creating the very health problems, and life issues we want SO desperately to get rid of! Many of these traumas are things you’ve personally experienced, and some of it is inherited genetically (we have scientific evidence of this with the grandchildren of Holocaust survivors explained unexplained clinical PTSD. Footnote 1). First and foremost I am a scientist, but I’m also acutely aware of the quantum and spiritual realm’s important (and often overlooked) role in achieving the highest level of health. And, this type of need is vastly underserved all over the world. 

This is where I come in.

I work with the client’s subconscious mind, human soul, and human spirit to identify the trapped issues, and release the things that are holding back their health, happiness, and alignment with their purpose in life. This includes inherited generational trauma. Most modalities do not specifically address the human soul, and human spirit which can be easily wounded, and leaves a lot of trauma untouched, and allowed to run rampant in the body. This is how many disease processes are started. It’s important to understand I’m not offering hypnosis (which buries the problem even deeper), but offer complete release from the emotions, traumas, and subliminal programs that are holding back your complete success. I accomplish this through proxy muscle testing to identify the problem, and then walk you through a verbal release process using the principles of quantum and Biblical law. I’ve been studying this for over 7 years and have developed a unique release process based on principles of quantum and Biblical law, training I received through Loved to Life course work with Life Center Church (Harrisburg, PA), and certain elements of emotion code/body code. I also earned my Bachelor’s degree through Messiah University, and have completed Functional Medicine mentorships, and a Sports and Exercise Science minor to bring the full package of emotional wellness, physical wellness, and fitness.  

Even if you don't believe in quantum or Biblical laws it's best to think of them like gravity

If you were to hold a glass of water in your hand, and let go, what would happen? The glass would crash to the floor, and water would spill everywhere. Why? Why didn’t the glass float and the water particles spill out in the air? Gravity. Did you have to believe in gravity for this to occur? No. Did you even have to understand how gravity works for this to occur? NO. The laws of gravity will apply whether you believe in them, or not. Quantum and Biblical laws are the same way. They will still apply to your situation even if you don’t fully understand them, or believe in them. 

It's also important to understand we are a triune being.

That is, we are body, soul, and spirit. Let’s take a look at the Biblical evidence for this:

Now may the God of peace Himself sanctify you completely, and may your whole SPIRIT and SOUL and BODY be kept blameless at the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ.
(1 Thessalonians 5:23)

This makes it clear there are 3 parts:
the body, the soul, and the spirit.

The verse also uses the word “and,” which in the original Greek language means to differ from each other.

So, soul and spirit are different.

The soul is the emotional experiences of a human being.

The spirit is the essence of who we are.

The body is the housing for soul and spirit. And, will show the soul/spirit wounds.

We destroy arguments and every lofty opinion raised against the knowledge of God, and take every thought captive to obey Christ. (2 Corinthians 10:5)

We're also told no one is permanently broken

The Lord is close to the brokenhearted; He rescues those whose SPIRITS are crushed. (Psalm 34:18)

He restores my SOUL. He leads me in paths of righteousness for His name’s sake. (Psalm 23:3)

This is good news, because that means total, and complete healing of the spirit and soul are available to everyone.

And, that is the process I love to walk people through to experience total healing in their bodies when no medical modalities have worked.

You may be thinking: I don’t go to church, I don’t believe in God,  or I had a bad experience with the church.

Will this still work for me?

The answer is: yes.
It will still work for you.

The reality is the people can be poor representations of our Creator, and hurt people will hurt other people. Especially in an unhealthy church setting. In fact, a lot of my clients have been “church hurt,” or have experienced the “fire and brimstone” approach when it comes to “religion.” Others have been caught up in literal cults because they were seeking connection and love so badly. The reality is that most people have been exposed (or even indoctrinated) into religious programming, and not a true spiritual experience with the Creator of the universe. The Creator of the universe is not the angry judgemental God many were taught about in church. (In fact, this approach was largely taught in churches as a method of control of the people), and most people that reject God and the church are actually rejecting religious programming (or even religious abuse). For total and complete healing I encourage my clients to deepen their spiritual (not religious) relationship with Father God through understanding how quantum and Biblical laws actually work. and how to help them work in their favor. Remember, the root of almost every deeply held subconscious trauma is that they believe God has abandoned them, and doesn’t listen to cries for help (prayers). He does listen, but oftentimes our trauma is what blocks our ability to receive what is intended for us.

Dear friend, I pray that you may enjoy good health and that all may go well with you, even as your soul is getting along well. (3 John 1:2)

How do sessions work?

We meet virtually over Zoom or phone. I ask you to describe your primary goals, and we get started. There is no need for you to rehash past traumas in order for this to work, although I always encourage people to share if it helps them. Your information is kept 100% confidential from start to finish. I will muscle test your subconscious via proxy to find the root of your issue, and then we begin the process of peeling back the onion, so to speak. Your subconscious is wise, and will reveal the best order and pace at which to reveal the root issue layers. Since you’ve probably spent decades accumulating trauma, we’ll need a series of sessions to peel back each layer of the onion. (Though, the exact number of sessions will vary per person.) Sessions are available in 30, 60, 90, and 2 hour blocks, and I encourage you to select a time you resonate with. I recommend most people select 90 minutes for their first session so you have time to share your goals, and any other information you’d like me to know.


What was your big problem you wanted my help with?

When I first met you, I was unaware of your inner healing and deliverance business. I was seeking inner healing but in all the wrong places. I signed up for your nutrition program, thinking this would be another fix to help me feel better. You saw this and were patient with me as God journeyed with me to the point of being ready to receive inner healing and deliverance. Through a series of events and God bringing us together in His perfect timing, you (and God) were able to strategically disconnect me from some very bad things that had taken over my life. I am forever greatful for your patience and willingness to partner with God for true inner healing and deliverance. Working through this process to be free has also healed all of my physical problems which is what I sought help for in the first place! Praise God!

How have Emotional Reset/Spiritual Wellness sessions helped solve your big problem(s)?

As a student of inner healing and deliverance, I am continually learning and receive my own revelations about things in my family or blood lines. Some of the issues that have popped up, I did not have a grid to understand and required your help. These "big problems" are some of the best sessions we've had and have been able to unlock break through for myself and my family.

What did you find most impressive about our sessions?

The first few sessions were a whirlwind of information. A lot of words and concepts I did not understand. I was amazed about everything I did not know, but grew to understand. You were gracious enough to answer my questions and explain things to me. I was very impressed about everything you knew and the downloads you receive from God. Everything was accurate and on point. Even if I didn't know it at the time 🙂
I dont mind if you use my name! I want people to know and ask me how The Lord has worked in my life! 🙂
Christiana Archer
The Emotional Reset/Spiritual Wellness sessions helped me tremendously and honestly more than I thought they would. I've gained so much insight, wisdom, clarity and revelation from the consultation and two additional sessions that I had with Becki. You can tell that her intentions are pure, she's knowledgeable and she cares that her clients understand what they're getting into. Thank you Becki for what you do. I really appreciate you!”

De'Shaun Shaw
She is awesome, annointed,, gifted, talented, loving, patient and kind, she knows her mandate and works it very well, Ask me how I know, she has been my Trauma coach since last year and my life has turned for the better. Don't sleep on her !!!! You won't regret working with her, so you better book a session before it's too late, she will be filling up fast
Natalie Henry
With Becki’s guidance, my body has been able to reverse Type I diabetes after the top specialists were unable to help me get it under control. I had no idea my stress was coming from things I hadn’t thought about in years, but Becki offered a fast, practical way to resolve it. I save the notes from our sessions and still read them all the time.
Thanks to your help, I have fully resolved my loose stool episodes and now have normal bowel movements after nothing else worked Thank you for being kind, compassionate, patient, but also extremely effective at what you do.
Client T.J.
Prior to working with Becki I suffered from constipation for years. I tried every laxative, and nothing worked as a long term solution. After multiple sessions of working together I am proud to say I can now have regular bowel movements all on my own!! Becki is truly gifted, and knows exactly what you need. I highly recommend her, and have already to my friends, and family
Client B.A.
Thanks to Becki’s help I reversed adrenal fatigue, constipation/SIBO, and weight loss resistance. I was already seeing a naturopathic doctor for low testosterone and adrenal fatigue, and not making much headway. It took about 6 months of consistency, but I have finally reversed the adrenal fatigue, restored normal bowel function, and hit my lowest weight ever on my weight loss journey. I will be back if I ever need her again!
Client L.H.
I have only had 1 session with you, and I don't have to use my force of will to accomplish things anymore. I feel so much lighter, thank you. .
Client L.G.
Thanks to you I have gotten off ALL ALLERGY MEDICATIONS, and haven't used ANY in the past 2 months. They are ALL GONE!!!! I want everyone to know it's possible, and I appreciate all the hard work you did to help me on the front end. I'm sharing this because I want you to tell people it's possible.
Client C.A.
Normally I feel really cold when I work through my emotions, but during my sessions with you I feel flooded with warmth. Like a warm hug. I appreciate everything you do!
After one session with you, for the first time in 65 years, all of the emotional traffic in my mind is gone. I'm not quite sure what to say because it's the first time my brain has felt 'empty' and I'm not constantly fighting my own thoughts. THANK YOU for what you do, and I think you're a lovely person!!
What you do is SO much easier, and more effective than the therapy sessions I've had. So many people quit therapy and never keep going, but I love coming to our sessions because they aren't hard, I learn something new, and I see tangible results every time.
I had to tell you: normally when I visit my family I get very anxious, and eventually, constipated. I dread it every time. However, THIS time, I had NO anxiety, NO constipation, and I felt great. I kept checking to see if I would feel fearful or anxious, and it never happened! . Our sessions WORKED!!!
Client T.J.
Egg allergy resolved in 3 sessions!
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